Baby growth and development by age till 5 years (Fine motor development)

Baby growth and development by age till 5 years (Fine motor development)

At 3rd Month: At this month, the baby hands and fingers are predominantly open.

At 4th Month: At this month, Hand to eye co-ordination of baby starts. At 12 to 20 weeks, child can observe the object placed before him and grasps that object with his hand (If red ring showed to show then baby will hold that ring with his hand and takes it to the mouth). At this stage baby reaching out for objects with both hands.

At 5th Month: At this month, Baby start foot play with his hands. At this stage baby holds his legs with the hands and play.

At 6th & 7th Month: At this month, baby reach out for the objects with one hand and transfer that object to other hand by using ulnar(Towards little finger) aspect of his hand.
  • At this age baby develops to chew biscuits to his mouth.
  • Babies gets imitating skills (Observing and doing anything that they see) after 6 months.
At 8 to 10 months: At this stage baby can grasp object from the radial side (Towards thumb) of his hand.
  •  At 9th Month, child develops immature pinser grasp(probes object with fore finger).
  • At 10th month, index finger approach to object.

At 12th month: At one year age, child has mature grasp(Index finger and thumb is used to grasp objects).
  • Child can also grasp small objects with his index finger and thumb, this is called pinser grasp.
  • Child tries to self feed from the cup but spills some of the content.
  • Child pull of caps and socks.
At 15th month: 
  • Child can self feed from the cup and drink with out spilling.
  • Child can turn 2-3 pages of the book at a time.
  • Child imitates scribbling on a paper with pencil.
  • Child can build towers of two blocks.
At 18th Month: 
  • Child can feed himself using a spoon
  • Child can build tower of 2 to 3 cubes and draw with pencil.
  • Starts learning dressing skills.
  • Child can unzip and try to open buttons.
At 2 Years age:
  • Child can build 6 blocks.
  • Child can unscrews lids and turn door knobs.
  • Child can draw circles and turn pages of the books one at a time.
  • He can put on shoes and socks, also undress completely.
At 3 Years age:
  • Child can build towers of 9 blocks.
  • Child can draw circles correctly.
  • Child can dress by self successfully also undress fully.
At 4 Years age:
  • Child would able to draw the cross sign(+ sign) by self with out help.
  • At the age of 4 and half years, Child would able to draw the Square by self.
  • Child can build bridge using the blocks or legos.
At 5 years age:
  • Child would able to draw triangles.
  • Build gates with the block.
  • Child can tie shoe lace by himself.