IRON SUPPLEMENTS: Immediately after knowing about your pregnancy then start folic acid tablets.It helps for baby growth.We can take it naturally from food.

Foods like:

  • leafy vegetables,
  • dates,
  • pomegranate,
  • pea nuts,
  • jaggery,
  • beans,
  • okra,
  • almonds,
  • beet root,
  • carrots,
  • chickpea etc.

MILK:Drink milk daily helps you to produce milk after delivery and also helps your baby growth in womb.

REST:Take complete rest and also do your daily activities.sleep at least 2hrs in day time and 6 to 8 hours night time.

EXERCISE:Exercise should start after five months.Exercise helps mother to be active during pregnancy and also for easy delivery.

WALKING:Walk daily morning and evening that helps your abdominal muscles active and prepare muscles for normal delivery.

MEDITATION: In pregnancy,we will see mood swings.In this case most of the women's mood will change very fastly.Sometimes she will be very happy and suddenly she will be depressed.Spouse or care taker should not hurt her and make her happy during pregnancy.Meditation is the best way to free from stress.

MUSIC:Listening music during pregnancy can make you and your baby relax.Baby also listen music.You can come out from any tensions,stress etc.

  • Don't skip your breakfast.
  • Don't  smoke
  • Don't consume alcohol
  • Don't eat caffeinate foods or drinks(coffee,chocolates etc)  
  • Don't eat spicy foods.
  • Don't eat foods that is artificially coloured.
  • Don't carry heavy things. 
  • Don't keep your surroundings unhygienic. 


3RD MONTHS:(Neck holding)Baby can hold his neck and doesn't fall back if their is no support.Up to 3rd month we have to give support to baby's head while holding.

5TH MONTH:(Rolls over)Baby can move by rolling on the bed by his own.By this time we have to keep pillows around the baby to prevent accidents like falling from bed.

6TH MONTH:(Sitting with support)If we make baby to sit by keeping pillows back and giving support then baby can sit with support for some time.But don't make him to sit for long time.

8TH MONTH:(Sitting with out support)By this time baby can sit independently by his own with out any support and also he can creep on his stomach.

9TH MONTH:(Stands by holding)By this time baby can stand by his own by holding any furniture and try to move a side by walking.try to stand by own but falls.

12TH MONTH:(Creeps well,stand by own,walks but fall)By this time baby can creeps well and go around the house.Stands by his own and try to walk but fall down.

13th &14th MONTH: Child can walk by holding with one hand.

15 MONTHS:(Walk by his own)In this month baby can walk by his own with out any support.He will creeps upstairs by his own.

18 MONTHS:(Runs)In this month baby can run by his own.

2 years:Baby can walk upstairs and downstairs independently.Baby can jump while walking.



CARE OF UMBILICAL CORD: After baby birth the baby umbilical cord should be kept clean and avoid application of any powders or oils in that area.The nappy of the baby should be tie below the umbilical cord area to prevent contamination and infection around the cord area of the baby.Give sponge bath until umbilical cord falls down.

CARE OF BABY SKIN:Don't give baby bath up to 24 hrs from birth.Clean your hand and apply baby oil to baby very smoothly,coconut oil is the best choice.Some people use olive oil to improve baby complexion and also to moisturize the baby skin.

CARE OF BABY DURING BREAST FEEDING:Breast feeding should be given to baby with in half an hour after baby born.The first milk that mother produce after delivery is called colostrum that will help your baby to protect from infections.Breast feeding should be continued up to six months.

CARE OF BABY SLEEP:Provide comfortable position to baby that is supine position(the baby face should be up and lying on his back). Provide calm and hygienic surroundings.Feed baby before making him sleep.

AVOID TRADITIONAL PRACTICES:Don't apply kajal in baby eyes.Don't put oil drops in baby ears.Don't apply cow dung on umbilical cord.

EXPOSE BABY TO SUN LIGHT:Early morning sun shine is good for baby. so keep baby in sunlight daily for synthesis of vitamin-D in baby body.Vitamin-D will not available in formula milk or breast give vitamin-D drops  to baby and expose baby to sun light.