HONEY : Don't give honey to baby,it will cause Infant botulism(it is life threatening disease).
EGG WHITE : Egg white causes an allergic reaction for some babies.Egg yolk can be given to baby during meal.
COWS MILK : Cows milk contains a protein called casein will irritate a baby's digestive track.
PRESERVATIVE FOODS : Canned foods like vegetables,fruits,soups etc are high in sodium can cause kidney problems to baby.
CHOCOLATE : Chocolate may cause infant allergies and cough.
NUTS : Powdered nuts can be used.If these nuts given in crunchy form may be it will struck in babies throat.And also some babies are allergic for some nuts. (eg:pea nuts).
TAMARIND : Don't give tamarind juice for up to one year.We recommended not to give tamarind at all until baby has learnt to walk and is ready for all spices.
RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : Don't give raw fruits and vegetables can cause digestive problems.citric fruits like lime and orange can be avoided.vegetables high in sodium and citric acid can be avoided (eg:tomatoes).
SEA FOODS : Seafoods can carry a high level of mercury that may affect a young child’s developing nervous system,so it should be avoided.Fishes high in mercury are shark,sword fish,tile fish etc.After eight months we can give fishes that are not high in mercury.
Some choking hazards to watch:
Observe your child not to swallow any large solid foods like hard beans,grapes etc.
observe your child not to swallow any small solid foods like hard candies,nuts,seeds in fruits.
TAMARIND : Don't give tamarind juice for up to one year.We recommended not to give tamarind at all until baby has learnt to walk and is ready for all spices.
RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : Don't give raw fruits and vegetables can cause digestive problems.citric fruits like lime and orange can be avoided.vegetables high in sodium and citric acid can be avoided (eg:tomatoes).
SEA FOODS : Seafoods can carry a high level of mercury that may affect a young child’s developing nervous system,so it should be avoided.Fishes high in mercury are shark,sword fish,tile fish etc.After eight months we can give fishes that are not high in mercury.
Some choking hazards to watch:
Observe your child not to swallow any large solid foods like hard beans,grapes etc.
observe your child not to swallow any small solid foods like hard candies,nuts,seeds in fruits.